Amerindian Voices

In this small exhibition, comprised of a few short films and a selection of photographs, we hear three remarkable women on their people’s relations with the natural and non-human worlds, climate change, environmental destruction, indigenous land, and life on this stricken earth . Each exhibitor has chosen a distinct medium with which to reflect upon these topics. Each has a very different set of experiences to recount when they speak directly about the existential crises their people are facing. The images speak of personal visions, experiences and understandings. Indeed, for outsiders it is impossible to fully grasp the layers of meaning they hold from an indigenous person’s perspective. But nevertheless, seen in conjunction with each woman’s words, we are left in no doubt as to the message that they wish to convey. 

Curators: Luisa Elvira Belaunde & Cecilia McCallum 

Nesta pequena exposição, composta por alguns curtas-metragens e uma seleção de fotografias, ouvimos três mulheres notáveis sobre as relações dos seus povos com o mundo natural e não humano, mudanças climáticas, destruição ambiental, territórios indígenas e a vida nesta terra devastada. Cada expositor escolheu um meio distinto para refletir sobre esses tópicos. Cada um tem um conjunto muito diferente de experiências para contar quando falam diretamente sobre as crises existenciais que seu povo está enfrentando. As imagens falam de visões, experiências e entendimentos pessoais. Na verdade, para quem está de fora, é impossível compreender totalmente as camadas de significado que estas imagens tenham da perspectiva de uma pessoa indígena. No entanto, visto em conjunto com as palavras de cada mulher, não ficamos em dúvida quanto à mensagem que desejam transmitir. 

Curadoras: Luisa Elvira Belaunde e Cecilia McCallum 

Glicéria Jesus da Silva (Célia Tupinambá) is a well-known indigenous leader, teacher, intellectual and awarded artist from the village of Serra do Padeiro, located in the Tupinambá de Olivença Indigenous Territory (southern Bahia, Northeastern Brazil).

Francineia Fontes Baniwa is of the Walipere-Dakeenai clan of the Baniwa people, who have been living since precolonial times in the upper Rio Negro River area, now part of the Northwest Amazon region of Brazil.

Olinda Silvano Inuma grew up in the Native Community of Paohyan on the banks of the Ucayali River. She belongs to the Shipibo-Konibo people, one of the most numerous indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon.